Trump spreads fake news on the hydrogen car

Trump fake news hydrogen cars
Trump spreads fake news on the hydrogen car

Used to spread fake news and other lies, Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the US presidential election, has attacked hydrogen cars. Does Elon Musk have something to do with it?

After fake news about migrants eating cats and dogs and wind turbines causing cancer, Donald Trump now turns to hydrogen-powered cars. In his view, these vehicles explode as you can attest in this video. And this site provides further details.

So, according to Trump, a hydrogen-powered car can explode, “like a bomb”, in which case “a woman wouldn’t be able to recognise her husband”. “That’s a problem”, he said, before saying that he was “not interested” in what was being heralded as the next big thing.

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Who do you think may have influenced the former US President? Let’s remind that Trump is partly funded by Elon Musk, who gives a lot of himself to support the Republican candidate. This may explain why Trump thinks electric cars are great despite having spoken ill so many times about them. And the CEO of Tesla is the first to criticise hydrogen cars (read the article).

Naturally, well-informed people know that no hydrogen car has ever exploded. As this fact-checking article testifies. However, Tesla cars have already caught fire after a collision. Which Trump holds back from saying. Undoubtedly, he does not wish to upset his generous new friend.

Strangely enough, several unknown websites are announcing the arrival of a hydrogen-powered Tesla in 2026, the Model H. This, too, is assuredly fake news. The few mentions of hydrogen from Elon Musk had to do with decarbonation of industry (steel, fertilisers) or development of synthetic fuels for planes and boats as you can read in his Master Plan 3.

Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King 

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About the author

Picture of Laurent Meillaud

Laurent Meillaud

Freelance automotive journalist and consultant, author as well, focused on technologies and new trends for more than 30 years, convinced that hydrogen is one of the energies for the future.

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