During the ITS World Congress, next october, the City of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Métropole and Bordeaux University have decided to pool their know-how and develop an electric bicycle demonstrator.
The idea was to develop a kit to convert any bicycle into an electrically-assisted bicycle. This demonstrator is based on the model of bicycle placed at the disposal of people in Bordeaux by the City. The good news is that this kit can also serve to test the use of hydrogen fuel cells to supply the electricity on board.
All the different hydrogen forms and recipients were studied in the light of the consumption and storage requirements, whether liquid, solid or by decomposition of an element, the idea being to take account of the whole chain, including fuel production. In addition to this, the “smart” pedals on the demonstrator have the capability, without any wiring, of activating the electrical assistance and adjusting its intensity to the power provided by the cyclist.
As Hydrogentoday has already written, H2 bikes will be showcased during the congress. So, it makes sense to plan such an extension.
The ultimate objective is that this electric bicycle conversion kit should be taken up by a local company and marketed.
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