As part of Go Hydrogen in Antwerp, of which it is also a partner, Air Liquide presented its activities in mobility (land, air, sea) and took stock of its projects in the Benelux region.
The presentation was given by Diederick Luijten, Vice President Hydrogen Energy in charge of North-West Europe and CIS countries at Air Liquide. As part of a session on projects in the Benelux, he began by talking about Air Liquide’s pioneering role. The Group presents itself as the world leader in mobility, claiming partnerships with Toyota (in France with Hysetco), Hyundai, Iveco, as well as Forvia and TotalEnergies. And beyond road mobility, there is also air transport with ADP, Incheon airport in South Korea and Korean Air. Maritime transport is also being addressed through Energy Observer. Furthermore, Air Liquide is also looking into other applications such as trains.
The Group also claims a certain legitimacy through the Hydrogen Council, which it helped to create, and through its participation in the Hy24 investment fund.
Air Liquide: several projects for hydrogen mobility in Benelux
Regarding its presence in Benelux, the Group pointed out that it is part of the HyTrucks consortium. The latter aims to deploy 1,000 hydrogen-powered trucks and 25 stations by 2025. It also mentioned the Teal Mobility joint venture with TotalEnergies. The latter plans a 100 stations by 2030 for heavy goods vehicles, mainly in Benelux, Germany and France). Air Liquide is also participating in the RH2ine consortium, which aims to launch 150 hydrogen-powered vessels.
More generally, the Group considers the region to be a key area as part of its sustainable development strategy. It has already deployed 7 hydrogen production sites and laid 900 km of pipelines. It is a major spot for renewable energies, because of its ports and road junctions. The Group is investing in projects linked to electrolysers. It is also involved in CO2 capture through the Kairos project with BASF in Antwerp, as well as the Porthos initiative in the North Sea.
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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King