The CARA and ‘Pôle Véhicule du Futur’ competitivity clusters are joining forces to offer a think tank seminar to discuss the debate between battery-powered electric trucks (along with the necessary electrification of the roads) and hydrogen-powered trucks (with fuel cells or combustion engines). A TechDay with an interesting lineup.
This event took place in Dijon, on 10 and 11 January 2023. Although it could have been supported by the Electric Road congress, whose vocation it is, it was in fact organised by two competitivity clusters. Let’s not forget that both these clusters bring together research labs, SMEs and large groups. Moreover, they are both attached to the PFA. While ‘Pôle Véhicule du Futur’ is historically focused on hydrogen, CARA is more specialised in heavy mobility. They are therefore perfectly legitimate in organising this debate, which is scheduling two half-days separated by an evening of networking.
The programme will include contributions from Alstom, Elonroad, Electreon, Enedis, the FC Lab, the FNTR, Forvia, Liebherr, Lohr, Renault Trucks, Stellantis, and the Gustave Eiffel University.
The use of a mix of energy solutions for mobility and transport has been rapidly gaining ground for nearly 3 years, further accelerated by the current energy crisis and the substantial tensions on raw materials that are foreshadowing at the end of the decade. The French government also explicitly mentions the review clause in 2026 with regard to the end of the combustion engine, the organisers say.
For more information, please visit the website of the Pôle Véhicule du Futur .
Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King