On August 1st, 2024, this electro-hydrogen training ship destined to the Lycée Maritime de Bastia (Corsica), received its first hydrogen refuelling at 350 bars. It happened at the Fos-sur-Mer site of the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille.
This hydrogen-powered ship, for which the project began in 2020, will join the Lycée Maritime de Bastia’s training fleet, which already includes two other boats. ALBA was launched on 26 June 2024. The regulatory tests prior to the vessel’s commissioning were carried out by MAURIC, EODev, Alternatives Energies and Chantier Naval GATTO, in collaboration* with teams from the DIRM Méditerranée Safety Centre and Bureau Veritas.
ALBA, which is 20 metres long and 5.6 metres wide, will meet all the needs of the establishment’s students. The equipment required for each training course has been installed.
The total cost of building this hydrogen-powered vessel is €4 million. And it was 100% financed by the ‘France Relance’ plan (a programme put in place by the French government to revitalise the French economy following the economic crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic).
Corsica, here comes the hydrogen ship!
This new stage comes a month before the end of the trials, scheduled for September. The hydrogen-powered ship will then head for Bastia (Northeastern Corsica), and more specifically the Lycée Maritime. It is at this high school that the students will board the ALBA. There, they will receive training in ship handling, engine maintenance, navigation and manoeuvres, as well as radio communications.
Once in Corsica, Corsica Sole will be responsible for supplying the vessel in hydrogen. The group is currently setting up a production and storage facility linked to one of its photovoltaic power stations. A distribution station is currently being delivered.
*Note that Seiya Consulting, the publisher of this website, has also brought its expertise to the project.
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