Japanese carmakers join to accelerate on hydrogen stations
Toyota Motor Corporation, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. have agreed to work together to help accelerate the development of hydrogen station infrastructure for fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). To gain popularity, it is not only important that attractive products be launched. A refuelling infrastructure must also be developed, as it should have been done since the beginning for the electric car.
The three automobile manufacturers hope to both popularize FCVs and ensure that it will be easy to refuel them. Consequently, they have decided to promote the development of hydrogen station infrastructure alongside the government and infrastructure companies.
Following the formulation of its Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in June 2014, the Japanese government has highlighted the importance of developing hydrogen station infrastructure as quickly as possible. Consequently, its is not only supporting the installation of hydrogen stations by means of subsidies, but has also resolved to introduce a range of additional policies aimed at promoting activities that generate new demand for FCVs, including partially subsidizing the cost of operating hydrogen stations.
So, Toyota, Honda and Nissan will give careful consideration to concrete initiatives, such as underwriting a portion of the expenses involved in the operation of hydrogen stations.
This kind of alliance would make sense too in other countries.
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