The Hydrogen Council, a global CEO coalition for hydrogen technologies, has just gained new 14 members, a second major wave of growth this year. Eight companies join the group at steering member level: Airbus, Air Products, Cummins, EDF, Johnson Matthey, KOGAS, SINOPEC and thyssenkrupp, alongside six new members at supporting level: AFC Energy, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Re-Fire Technology, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, and Southern California Gas. In addition, Faurecia upgrades its membership to steering level.
As a result, the Hydrogen Council now brings together an impressive group of 53 leading companies, accounting for 3.8 million jobs and €1.8 trillion in revenue from across 11 different countries. The group has more than quadrupled in size since launching at the World Economic Forum just 18 months ago. This rapid expansion – with influential players entering from across geographies and aspects of the value chain – reflects surging interest in global hydrogen deployment
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