It’s been a long way until now to make the case for hydrogen, and still, a long way to go remains. But hydrogen energy cannot be hidden under the carpet anymore. It is clear for most decision makers, in the energy sector as well as in the transport sector, that hydrogen will definitely play a very important, and very strategic role in the energy transition. Whatever the pure defenders of batteries says about it, isn’t it Elon? Hydrogen proponents know that fuel cells and batteries are complementary, and that is just the simple reality.
Today, in China, the objectives are clearly set: one million Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles by 2030. In Europe, the strategies under development in Brussels to achieve the 1,5°C target are all including hydrogen paradigm into the scope: Decarbonizing Roadmap 2050, Renewable Energy Directive, Clean Mobility Package, Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Directive, Gaz Grid Directive. Furthermore, Hydrogen has recently been selected by the European Commission as one of the six “Important Project of Commun European Interest”, among more than 100 candidates.
Most state governments however still don’t completely get the full picture, because European car manufacturer have not yet embraced hydrogen, unlike Asian players. We talk about “Airbus of batteries”, while all the value have already been captured by Asia, but we cannot talk yet about the strategic hydrogen technologies, a strategic field for which there is still a little chance for European industries to play a role… While it’s not too late, because Japan, Korea, China are taking the lead, by far.
Local territories, and notably regions, understand what must be done
However, there are some good signs from the ground up: local territories, and notably regions, understand what must be done. It’s a matter of local industry and employment, it’s a matter of energy independence, it’s a matter of Research and innovation, and it’s a matter of public health. Hence, European Regions, and notably French Regions, are taking the lead and showing the way to go.
Yesterday, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes showcased their ambitions at EVS32 in Lyon with the Zero Emission Valley plan. Today, Occitanie Region, the very first French Region that had put together an H2 strategy in place, back in 2015-2016, is truly accelerating, big time. Carole Delga, President of Occitanie-Pyrénées-Méditerranée, just announced this morning at Le Bourget international aeronautic show near Paris, the new H2 Plan with 150 million euros of budget. This is 3 times more than the actual budget from the French government on the subject of H2 mobility. This is a very clear message to everyone, and we hope that all the other French Regions will come on board to make hydrogen society a reality.
As the publisher of hydrogentoday.info, Seiya Consulting is very proud to be the long-time consulting partner of Occitanie Region, among others, delivering the strategic studies, building the business cases and the plans, and accompanying the real projects in the field. It’s an exciting time and we are also very pleased to offer our readers a free and professional information about the hydrogen economy. Enjoy.
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