There were talks about hydrogen during the COP28. It was the first time that the issue had been given such prominence, and that it was included in the presidential statements.
At the closing ceremony, it was said that this COP was a historic one, as it marked the “beginning of the end” of the fossil fuel era. What was less commented on at the time was the fact that hydrogen has never been so present. In fact, it is the subject of a declaration on the COP28 website. The text highlights the mutual recognition of hydrogen certification between countries, paving the way for an international market.
Hydrogen certification and ISO standard
37 countries, including France, have approved this agreement, which is undoubtedly why France is opening up to imports. This position is also spelt out in the French hydrogen strategy which has been recently reviewed. France is seeking to establish a hydrogen diplomacy.
COP28 also led to an ISO standard for hydrogen. This is an essential milestone for international development and the harmonisation of safety and interoperability procedures throughout the whole value chain.
“This is recognition for the work of the IPHE,” says Laurent Antoni, who is the IPHE’s Executive Director. The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE), which has been existing for 20 years, is an international collaborative initiative for the development and deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
A plethora of hydrogen-related events at COP28
There is another figure worth noting. No fewer than 85 events (conferences and side events) were organised on the theme of hydrogen during COP28, according to calculations by Hydrogen Europe. The most important of these was the high-level ministerial meeting, attended by some fifteen ministers and as many CEOs of multinationals involved in transport and energy.
“It was a historic COP for hydrogen,” sums up Laurent Antoni.
Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King