At France Hydrogène‘s annual conference, Hoang Bui, the coordinator of the low-carbon hydrogen strategy indicated that France was opening up to imports. In fact, a mission has been launched on the subject involving three government departments.
A French newspaper called La Tribune believes that this explains why the French hydrogen strategy‘s review was postponed. During COP28, France joined an alliance of some thirty countries aimed at encouraging the emergence of international trade in hydrogen, through mutual recognition of certificates. You can find out more on the Euractiv website.
The French Minister for Industry, Roland Lescure, has entrusted a mission to three government departments. These are the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), the General Inspectorate of the Environment and Sustainable Development (IGEDD) and the General Economic Council (CGE). They will be assessing the relevance of importing hydrogen: a strategy that has been clearly adopted by Europe, but not by France until now.
Hoang Bui was invited to comment on the recent statements by ministers Pannier-Runacher and Lescure. He confirmed that “France was opening up to hydrogen imports.” He continued: “We have a pragmatic approach, because the needs of the regions, particularly at the Fos-Marseille and Vallée de la Chimie sites in Lyon, mean that there will not be enough electricity capacity to ensure local production of such volumes.”
France’s involvement in the H2MED project (with Spain and Portugal) was the first sign of this change of direction.
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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King