GCK, specialised in retrofit, will be presenting its the Renault Master Evo H2 at the Hyvolution show in Paris next week. The vehicle, which is still in the approval phase, is the company’s latest vehicle. The diesel engine has been replaced by an electric motor powered by batteries and a fuel cell.
In a few months’ time, the Renault Master Evo H2 , produced by Hyvia on behalf of Renault, will be on the road. The vehicle was already presented at Hyvolution last year. But this year, it is another Master that is likely to steal the show, the one converted by the French group. GCK claims that it retains the characteristics and performance of the original vehicle. The Renault Master Evo H2 is powered by an electric motor with a maximum power of 96 kW which is supplied by a Symbio fuel cell integrated in the engine compartment. The vehicle has a range of 400 km (5 minutes recharging time) and a maximum speed of 130 km/h.
This is a solution that may be of interest to fleets due to the upcoming implementation of LEZs* in France’s most populated cities.
At Hyvolution, GCK will also take the opportunity to present Flex’hy: a subsidiary that can either produce hydrogen on site or distribute hydrogen produced locally. Thanks to flexible and mobile solutions, Flex’hy meets the needs of customers who want to steadily increase their daily consumption and number of vehicles with a very low level of civil engineering development. GCK also has expertise in the hydrogen combustion engine, since the acquisition of Solution F.
*Low-emission zone
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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King