The project, supported by academic partners, airport operators and leading companies in the hydrogen industry, has been launched to demonstrate small-scale liquid hydrogen aircraft ground operations. It will take place at three airports in Europe: Budapest, Rotterdam-The Hague and Stuttgart.
The GOLIAT (Ground Operations of LIquid hydrogen AircrafT) project will receive €10.8 million in funding from the EU’s Horizon Europe framework programme over a four-year period. Its aim is to demonstrate how high-speed liquid hydrogen (LH2) handling and refuelling technologies can be developed and used safely and reliably for airport operations.
The consortium involves 10 partners from eight countries. These include Airbus (France, Germany, United Kingdom), which is the project coordinator, Chart Industries (Czech Republic, Italy), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), Royal Schiphol Group (Netherlands), Budapest Airport (Hungary), Rotterdam-The Hague Airport (Netherlands), Vinci Airports (France, Portugal), Stuttgart Airport (Germany) and H2FLY (Germany).
Preparing for deployment of future large aircraft
The aim is to help scale up LH2 refuelling technologies for future large commercial aircraft, to develop the standardisation and certification framework for future liquid hydrogen operations, and finally to assess the sizing and economics of hydrogen value chains for airports.
Karine Guenan, Vice President of ZEROe Ecosystem at Airbus, stated: “We continue to believe that hydrogen will be an important fuel for the future of short-haul aviation. We welcome the opportunity to help build the operating case for the widespread daily use of liquid hydrogen at airports.”
Read the press release here.
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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Mariem Ben Tili