H2 MED Project: the partners have been revealed

H2 MED Project: the partners are revealed. Following the announcement made by Emmanuel Macron and Spain and Portugal heads of governments, energy operators are mobilising to make the project a reality.

The gas transmission system operators Enagás (Spain), GRTgaz and Teréga (France) and REN (Portugal) have therefore signed a memorandum of understanding. This formalises their commitment to coordinately collaborate on the joint development of H2MED. The objective of this partnership is to make the infrastructure operational from 2030. H2MED will have the capacity to transport up to 2 million tonnes per year of renewable hydrogen, which will represent 10% of Europe’s expected consumption by that time, according to REPowerEU.

The four transmission system operators have warmly welcomed this green energy corridor project linking Portugal, Spain and France to the European Union’s energy network. It includes the development of a hydrogen interconnection between Portugal and Spain (Celórico-Zamora) as well as a maritime pipeline linking Spain and France (Barcelona-Marseille) to transport renewable hydrogen from the Iberian Peninsula to Central Europe. The energy groups have been cooperating since October 20 to provide technical advice to their respective governments on the development of H2MED.

Enagás, GRTgaz, Teréga and REN will also jointly submit these projects this Thursday, December 15, for labelling as Projects of Common Interest (PCI) under the new Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E) Regulation (EU/2022/869).

Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King

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Logan King

After an unusual career (3 years in the French army followed by a 3-year degree in Applied Foreign Languages), it was my passion for environmental issues that finally caught up with me and led me to join Seiya Consulting and H2 Today in June 2022. First as an end-of-study internship, then as Marketing & Communication Manager and translator at Hydrogen Today.

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