H2 MOBILITY appoints Nikolas Iwan as new Managing Director


H2 MOBILITY Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG has entered into the next project phase for the establishment of a hydrogen refuelling station network in Germany.

A three-year phase commences in April of this year, during which more than 50 refuelling stations will be constructed and a series of additional existing stations will be taken over by H2 MOBILITY as the operator. The overall goal is to achieve regional coverage across Germany by 2019 and to operate a hydrogen refuelling station network with around 100 stations – which incidentally, will be the world’s most comprehensive network. In this way, we will make a significant contribution towards the federal government’s declared objective of making Germany a leading market for sustainable mobility solutions and efficient technologies.

This milestone is accompanied by a change in personnel at the head of the company.

Nikolas Iwan will run the company on 1st May 2016. He has gathered significant experience in diverse areas at Shell in the refuelling sector as well as in the rollout of infrastructure projects. From 2010 – 2011 he was CFO at a large Shell subsidiary in Germany and for the past four years National Retail Manager of the refuelling business in Austria. Besides his experience, he also brings along a genuine passion for the realisation of the energy turnaround in Germany.

Frank Sreball, who has led as Interim Manager since the start in January 2015, will remain as a contact person.


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About the author

Picture of Laurent Meillaud

Laurent Meillaud

Freelance automotive journalist and consultant, author as well, focused on technologies and new trends for more than 30 years, convinced that hydrogen is one of the energies for the future.

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