As part of H2med, the three partners* of the BarMar project have decided to entrust Wood with conducting the preliminary engineering studies, performing the analysis of route alternatives and selecting the corridor. The societal and environmental impact studies have also been launched as of February 2nd, 2024. They will be carried out by Tecnoambiente, with the support of Francom and Natural Power.
As stated in the press release, the H2med project is entering a new phase of its development. The work includes an analysis of the various potential routes for the offshore gas pipeline that will link Barcelona to Marseille across the Mediterranean Sea. This comprehensive assessment will make it possible to identify a preferred corridor for BarMar. It will take into account not only technical and economic perspectives, but also environmental and societal ones: a wish of the three transmission system operators (TSOs) in favour of a global and sustainable approach.
BarMar is one of the links in the H2med project. The latter comprises a hydrogen interconnection between Portugal and Spain (Celorico da Beira – Zamora) and a maritime gas pipeline linking Spain and France (Barcelona – Marseille).
*Enagás (Spain’s transmission system operator), GRTgaz and Teréga (France’s transmission system operators), in coordination with OGE (Germany’s transmission system operator).
Do you want to find out more about the H2med project and its BarMar section? Then our latest 2 articles about the future corridor should be of interest to you. You can read them here and there.
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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King