Honda fuel cell car priced at $60 000

Honda announced the company’s plans for U.S. sales of its new 5-passenger, hydrogen-powered Clarity Fuel Cell sedan at the Washington, D.C. Auto Show. Slated to begin retail leasing to customers in select California markets before the end of 2016, the Clarity is expected to be priced around $60,000 with a targeted monthly lease under $500.

These figures are close to Toyota and Hyundai prices for their hydrogen cars.

Honda expects limited volumes in the early stages of production. Deliveries will begin through certified fuel cell vehicle dealers in Los Angeles and Orange counties as well as the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento. The company will start by leasing vehicles and expects to move to retail sales with increased volumes and market coverage coincident with increasing vehicle supplies and the growing hydrogen refueling station network.

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About the author

Picture of Laurent Meillaud

Laurent Meillaud

Freelance automotive journalist and consultant, author as well, focused on technologies and new trends for more than 30 years, convinced that hydrogen is one of the energies for the future.

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