In an interview given to french daily newspaper Le Figaro, Benoît Potier, the CEO of Air Liquide considers that the hydrogen fuel cell car is part of the solution for future vehicles. Compared to battery electric vehicles, the range is better (more than 500 km, vs 150 to 200) and the time to recharge is limited to 3 to 5 mn (vs 8 hours). However, this expert stays cautious. If all car makers agree that electro mobility is a key point for cars of the future, he reminds that they have not decided yet wether they put the emphasis on batteries or fuel cells.
In Le Figaro, Potiers says that the success of hydrogen is linked to the infrastructure. That’s why his company is involved in this effort. Air Liquide has built 60 stations in the world. Japan plans to build 1000 stations and Germany 400, as soon as 2023.
About France, Benoît Potier considers it’s late compared to other countries in Europe. But, hydrogen is being now considered, he adds.
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