Hydrogen cost to decrease by 50 % by 2030

As Hydrogen Council gathers in Versailles, for a meeting, and welcomes 22 new members, a new study has been relesed. This report (Path to Hydrogen Competitiveness: A Cost Perspective) shows that the cost of hydrogen solutions will fall sharply within the next decade, sooner than previously expected. As scale up of hydrogen production, distribution, as well as of equipment and component manufacturing continues, cost is projected to decrease by up to 50% by 2030 for a wide range of applications, making hydrogen competitive with other low-carbon alternatives and, in some cases, even conventional options.

More details here.

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About the author

Picture of Laurent Meillaud

Laurent Meillaud

Freelance automotive journalist and consultant, author as well, focused on technologies and new trends for more than 30 years, convinced that hydrogen is one of the energies for the future.

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