Hyvolution, Europe’s leader hydrogen show, which will take place on 1st and 2nd February 2023 in Paris (Porte de Versailles) has released some details.
Following the success of the 2022 edition (4,548 visitors and 301 exhibitors), GL Events intends to do better in a new setting. The event, which is being held with the support of France Hydrogène, the French government and Ademe, will feature renowned partners (Air Liquide, Engie, Capgemini, Hyvia, EY, Task Force Hydrogène, etc.). As of now, the organiser has announced 390 exhibitors: a 30% increase on last year (with almost 40% new exhibitors). They are divided as follows: industry (210), mobility (182), energy (166). The 2023 edition is also distinguished by the presence of 12 countries (22% of international companies in total).
As for the conferences, the main novelty is the Hyvolution SUMMIT, an international congress to facilitate interactions between hydrogen leaders. It will bring together 400 French and international political and economic decision-makers, investors and business leaders. They will have the opportunity to meet through a digital application: Hyvolution Connect.
There will also be a jobs & training campus at the heart of the show.
Hyvolution has also announced the dates of its exhibition in Chile (28 to 30 June) and even disclosed the dates for the Paris 2024 edition (30 January to 1 February).
Do you want to learn more details about Hyvolution 2023? Then our latest articles on the event should interest you. You can read them here and there.
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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King