As part of Hyvolution Chile, we had the opportunity to interview Mikaa Mered, a teacher at Science-Po and a lecturer on hydrogen geopolitics.
His speech at Hyvolution Chile
His ten-minute speech caught our attention. He took to the floor just before the 7th panel on the hydrogen value chain between Chile and Europe. During his presentation, he talked about Chile’s competitive advantages. In particular, he highlighted its potential* for the production of green hydrogen. The country has, indeed, ideal conditions for wind power in the south (Magallanes region), while the north (Antofagasta region) has the highest solar radiation in the world, which is therefore an ideal location to produce solar-generated electricity.
Here are a few figures to illustrate Chile’s ambitions when it comes to producing hydrogen from renewable sources. While Europe as a whole is planning 40 GW of electrolysis by 2030, Chile alone is planning 25 GW.
*According to Chile’s hydrogen strategy, the country could produce 1,800 GW of renewable electricity (70 times the country’s energy demand). This positions Chile as a future major exporter of hydrogen, with its sights set on Europe, a region that will mostly be importing the green gas.
Our interview with Mikaa Mered
We wanted to find out more and that’s what led to this interview with Mikaa Mered. You can watch it here. We’ll be talking about the geopolitcs of the North and South Poles & hydrogen as well as the future role of Chile in the Antartica region. Then he will tell us which hydrogen market will Chile address and which countries are its true competitors when it comes to producing hydrogen. Finally, he will say a few words about Chile’s potential in terms of green hydrogen.
Did you enjoy our interview of Mikaa Mered? You can find all our other interviews on our YouTube channel.
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