New Cosmos Electric: The safe handling of hydrogen in FCEVs

New Cosmos Electric: The safe handling of hydrogen in the mobility of tomorrow

Hydrogen, is one of the most promising clean energy sources driving the shift towards carbon neutrality. However, even the smallest of leaks can be dangerous due to its highly combustible nature. This is where hydrogen detection comes in – H2 sensors play a crucial role in ensuring the safe operation of hydrogen-powered vehicles – not just cars and trucks, but also buses, race cars, and retrofitted vehicles. Hydrogen sensors keep a watchful eye on the entire fuel storage and delivery system, protecting both drivers of FCEVs and those around them.

New Cosmos Electric: Leading the way in hydrogen safety

The expertise of New Cosmos Electric in gas detection technology spans over 60 years, making them a natural choice for ensuring safety in Hydrogen refueling station in Japan. Around 80 percent of Japanese hydrogen refueling stations are protected by New Cosmos Electric.

hydrogen detector New Cosmos Electric

We have talked about Toyota many times during the Olympics in Paris (read our latest articles about the Japanese group). As it happens, New Cosmos Electric has also been a trusted supplier of hydrogen detectors for Toyota since late 2020. New Cosmos Electric’s catalytic sensor is used by Toyota for their MIRAI line-up of FCEVs. The CSD-02 uses PWM output, but a CAN output version called CSD-04 will also be available soon (samples are currently available). This sensor boasts both high sensitivity and exceptional durability thanks to New Cosmos Electric’s proprietary catalyst technology. It automatically resets to zero, eliminating the need for recalibration, and provides maintenance-free operation. Additionally, their extensive experience in mass-producing translates into a stable supply of these vital safety components.

Ensuring safety throughout your drive

Hydrogen detectors are a critical component for ensuring safety in FCEVs and are strategically located throughout the vehicle. This allows for the rapid detection of any potential hydrogen leaks, enhancing overall safety during operation.

Here’s a closer look at how these hydrogen sensors function in FCEVs:

  • Strategic Placement: the modules are strategically located at various points within the hydrogen-fueled vehicle, including the forward compartment and near the hydrogen tanks, constantly monitoring for leaks.
  • Safety Measures in Action: On the Toyota Mirai, if a leak is detected, the sensor transmits an electric signal to the vehicle’s control system. Depending on the gas leak concentration, the car can take appropriate actions such as activating warning lamps, venting leaked gas, and confirming that the valves to the hydrogen supply are closed.
  • Ever-Vigilant Leak Detection: With the ability to detect hydrogen from 0 to 100% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) in under 3 seconds, New Cosmos Electric’s hydrogen detector plays a critical role in preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of users.
New Cosmos Electric hydrogen safety

By using cutting-edge technology like the New Cosmos Electric hydrogen sensor, FCEVs and retrofitted vehicles can offer a safe and sustainable transportation solution for the future. As we move towards a cleaner world, ensuring the safety of hydrogen fuel is paramount. New Cosmos Electric’s commitment to innovation is paving the way for a confident embrace of hydrogen technology.


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About the author

Picture of Logan King

Logan King

After an unusual career (3 years in the French army followed by a 3-year degree in Applied Foreign Languages), it was my passion for environmental issues that finally caught up with me and led me to join Seiya Consulting and H2 Today in June 2022. First as an end-of-study internship, then as Marketing & Communication Manager and translator at Hydrogen Today.

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