Power to Hydrogen: the ultimate e-fuel ?
The EHA (European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association) thinks that the EU is going soon to consider hydrogen as an e-fuel.
It refers to a statement, made by Marie Donnelly, DG ENER Director of Renewables, Research and Innovation, at an event held on May 4, 2016 in Brussels, “Energy Transition: a mulitfaceted challenge for Europe”.
She introduced a “new” alternative fuel, in addition to electricity and biofuel, that could help force renewable energy into EU’s transport refuelling infrastructure. The so called “e-fuels”, she explained, “are fuels that are produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis, using renewable energy “. In this sense hydrogen could be called the ultimate “e-fuel”.
So, power to Hydrogen should enter in the EU’s future energy landscape.
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