Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Brazil caused a stir on the internet, as testified by this post on the French President’s Instagram account. Energised by this renewed cooperation, Emmanuel Macron and Lula have announced new collaborations. In particular, they plan to raise €1 billion in green investment for the Amazon rainforest (Lula had already pledged to put an end to illegal deforestation by 2030).
On the fringes of this meeting, hydrogen did not fail to take part in the festivities. During the presidential visit, no fewer than 4 hydrogen-related agreements were signed between France and Brazil.
Agreements between hydrogen associations
During the France-Brazil Economic Forum on 27 March in São Paulo, the Brazilian hydrogen association (ABH2 – Associação Brasileira do Hidrogênio) signed two memorandums of understanding: the first with its French counterpart, France Hydrogene, and the second with the Medef International Hydrogen Task Force. The aim of these agreements is to create synergies and to enhance the know-how of both countries in the hydrogen sector. In particular, they will accelerate the development of projects across the whole value chain. The agreement with the Hydrogen Task Force places particular emphasis on natural hydrogen.
Marica project: converting 200 buses to hydrogen
An agreement has been reached between several partners* to convert all the buses in the Brazilian town of Marica to hydrogen by 2030. It is an ambitious project, involving more than 200 buses. If the 2030 target is met, Marica will manage one of the largest hydrogen bus fleets in the world.
More specifically, HyFiT** will be in charge of setting up the plant and developing the buses, Tracel will supply the electrical chain and Ydrogenio will manage the infrastructure (with HyFiT’s participation). HyFiT will be working with specialist partners to bring this project to fruition.
An agreement on natural hydrogen
Few details have been disclosed for now, but HyFiT has also signed an agreement of a completely different nature, regarding natural hydrogen. It has to do with Brazilian company Materiah, a specialist in the field. The aim is to prepare for exploration of the highly promising deposit discovered at Marica, providing an operational match to the agreement with the Hydrogen Task Force.
France’s potential for natural hydrogen, with its substantial reserves and growing expertise, arouses interest. Last year, scientists discovered what could be the largest deposit of natural hydrogen, in Lorraine (France). At the end of 2023, Emmanuel Macron made no secret of his desire to accelerate the development of hydrogen, including natural hydrogen.
More broadly, Arhyze will support HyFiT in developing the production of low-carbon hydrogen and by-products. Both partners, who are players in the energy transition in the mobility and nitrogen fertiliser sectors, are aiming to develop major projects in Brazil, a country with very high potential.
*The Brazilian partners in the project are: the town of Marica, the companies Ydrogenio and Tracel Industrial, and the COPPE/UFRJ hydrogen laboratory at the University of Rio.
**HyFiT is a company founded by Bertrand Ciavaldini in 2021. Its primary objective was to support Corsica in its energy transition on the subject of hydrogen, in particular with the HyCOR train project, co-founded with Verso Energy. Bertrand Ciavaldini is also France Hydrogene’s Regional Delegate for Corsica. HyFiT is now extending its activities beyond Corsica to include H2 retrofitting and support for H2 ecosystems in mobility.
Do you want to learn more about hydrogen in Brazil and France? Then our latest articles on both countries should interest you. You can access all of our articles written about France here and about Brazil there.