GRTGaz and Terega have received more than 130 responses following a nationwide review of low-carbon and renewable hydrogen market players which was launched last June. In addition, the players requested nearly 60 two-way trades in order to deepen their vision but also to let them know what their needs are in terms of H2 transport and decarbonisation, as well as their expectations towards gas transporters.
Industrialists, who are major energy consumers and CO2 emitters, have been very active. They stand for almost 50% of the questionnaire’s answers. Next come shippers, suppliers, traders, producers and energy storage companies (23%), then local authorities (11%).
The review made it possible to identify nearly 90 potential production and/or consumption sites throughout France. The players are planning a step-by-step development of the market: from the deployment of the H2 vector from local ecosystems, through hydrogen valleys, linking local ecosystems via a regional pipeline transport network, to the structuring of an interconnected network of pipeline transport on a European scale and integrating the storage infrastructures.
Industrialists are also very interested in the CO2 market. Nearly 50% of them consider CO2 capture, storage and/or re-use as a solution for decarbonising their activity and they are pushing for a CO2 market review for coordinated planning of dedicated infrastructures. In order to elaborate on that, GRTgaz plans to organise the first territorial workshops on the subject of CO2 – H2 complementarities in November. This approach will be continued next year.
GRTgaz and Terega will then present a consolidated and shared vision of the future low-carbon and renewable H2 market in early 2022.
Do you want to learn more about GRTGaz and Terega? Then our latest 2 articles on these companies should interest you. You can read them here and there.
Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King.