The Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) launched by GRTgaz last February has been successful. No fewer than 13 companies have responded and setting out their requirements. In addition to the hydrogen infrastructure at the port of Dunkirk, a CO2 transport infrastructure should be built.
After 20 km of hydrogen transport, here comes CO2 transport. The 13 companies that have expressed an interest include major players such as ArcelorMittal Dunkerque, Aluminium Dunkerque, the AMeLi-Green Lime Solutions project run by ArcelorMittal and its partners, and the e-fuel production Reuze project run by Engie and its partners. It should be noted that 5 of these companies are industrial CO2 emitters with a combined transport requirement of more than 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 per year (i.e. 20% of the Dunkirk region’s emissions).
Following discussions with these companies, GRTgaz has launched a feasibility study for a 30-kilometre pipeline along a route that will connect the projects that have expressed an interest. This study will establish the dimensions and route of the infrastructure, as well as an initial assessment of its cost. It is being co-financed by ADEME as part of the *ZIBaC (Low-carbon industrial zones) initiative.
“In the future, this new infrastructure may also be interconnected with Belgium,” said GRTgaz CEO Thierry Trouvé.
A hydrogen transport infrastructure in the pipeline at Dunkirk
This CEI for hydrogen transport in Dunkirk was just as conclusive. 11 companies confirmed their needs, validating the opportunity for the first hydrogen transport infrastructure in the port of Dunkirk. More specifically, 5 producers with up to 1 GW of installed capacity expressed an interest in connecting renewable or low-carbon hydrogen production projects to the transport network. 6 industrial consumers have also expressed an interest in the project.
*ZIBaC: Zones Industrielles Bas Carbone (in French)
Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King