Meet4Hydrogen, which organises Hyports, is setting up a conference today and tomorrow on the theme of aircraft and space. This new Hysky conference is taking place at Le Bourget.
The official opening will be attended by representatives of France Hydrogène, the Astech cluster, EPT Paris Terre d’Envol and the Ile de France region. Today’s programme will look at the roadmap for decarbonising the industry (with GIFAS), Europe (with MEP Christophe Grudler), drones, helicopters and balloons, followed by commercial aviation, with a focus on e-fuels.
Tomorrow, the programme will focus on regional aviation, airports and aerodromes, and space. And, like today, exhibitors will be making pitches between sessions. Prizes will also be awarded, as it was the case at Hyports.
Speakers from ADP, Airbus, Air France, ArianeGroup, Beyond Aero, CNES, Dassault Aviation, Delair, Destinus, H3 Dynamics, Safran, Universal Hydrogen, and Zero Avia will also take the floor. Besides, Air Liquide, Engie, Elyse Energy and Vinci Aéroports will organise a contest.
Jean-François Copé, Mayor of Meaux and Chairman of Roissy Meaux Aéropôle, will be speaking tomorrow afternoon. This is a welcome exchange of courtesies, as a conference on the subject of hydrogen-powered aircraft is scheduled to take place in his town on 17 October.
Do you want to learn more about the HySky conference? Then our latest article on the subject should interest you. You can read it here.
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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King