ReFuelEU Aviation: new agreement on synthetic fuels
This week, an agreement was reached between the Council and the European Parliament to set thresholds for renewable fuels in the aviation sector. A bargain for the hydrogen industry.
The press release can be read here. Under the ReFuelEU Aviation proposal, the regulation sets thresholds for blending sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) at airports, with an increase every 5 years. It starts at 2% from 2025 and ends at 70% in 2050. Within these blends, synthetic fuels will have to occupy a minimum share of 1.2% on average over 2030-2031, 2% on average over the period 2032-2034, 5% in 2035, 10% in 2040, 15% in 2045, and 35% in 2050.
The blending mandate covers biofuels , recycled carbon fuels and synthetic aviation fuels (e-fuels) in line with the Renewable Energy Directive, but excludes food and feed crops, supporting sustainability objectives.
“This is a decisive new step for the development of hydrogen and e-fuels in France and Europe,” said Philippe Boucly, President of France Hydrogène. “The target set for 2030-2031 is ambitious and coherent. And finally, the European Union treats hydrogen derived from renewable energies and nuclear energy almost equally, taking as its compass the reduction of carbon emissions and the securing of our energy supply. According to him, “France holds all the cards to structure a competitive e-fuels production sector, which can generate value and synergies in the territories in the long term, and be exported.”
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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King