Brussels is gearing up to receive the fifth edition of the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Conference from 9th to 12th October, 2023, a pivotal event for Europe’s transition to eco-friendly urban transport. The conference, held alongside Busworld Europe, will gather key stakeholders from the bus and coach sectors.
There will be many representatives* from the European Commission and national governments, experienced bus and coach operators as well as transport authorities (Transdev, TfL, RATP, Translink, TMB Barcelona, etc.), A variety of OEMs** and infrastructure providers from the whole zero-emission bus supply chain will be there as well.
The conference will focus on zero-emission long-distance and tourism coaches, encompassing both the battery and the fuel cell technology. The program spans four days, with the first three dedicated to inter-city buses, covering financing, business models, and technical aspects. On the 4th day, the zero-emission coach market will be addressed: initial deployment, challenges, customers’ needs etc.
Over 70 global experts will share insights on technology, economics, and policy. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with 500+ exhibitors, including the 80 major bus manufacturers, while exploring cutting-edge bus technologies at the Busworld Innovation Showcases.
The event will also feature a networking dinner on Tuesday 10th October.
About the Zero Emission Bus Conference
ZEB 2023 is organised by Element Energy in partnership with Busworld Foundation. As such, attendees will gain free access to the Busworld Europe exhibition. ZEB previous editions were held in London (2016), Cologne (2018), online (2020) and in Paris (2021). The last edition held in Paris in November 2021 attracted 400 attendees from the zero-emission bus sector.
You can have a look at the full programme here.
*Among others: Daniel Mes – Member of Frans Timmermans’ Cabinet and Executive Vice President for the European Green Deal, European Commission, Elke Van den Brandt – Brussels’ Minister of Mobility, Public Works and Road Safety, Ruud Kempener – Cabinet member, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission. You can see the full list of the speakers in their programme.
**OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
Speakers will include: Valérie-Bouillon Delporte (Vice-President of France Hydrogène), Bernt Reitan Jenssen (CEO of Ruter AS), Markus Mildner (CEO eMobility at Siemens), Armin Offermann (Head of Innovation at Toyota Tsusho Europe) to name a few. You can find the list of all the speakers at the end of the programme.
Do you want to learn more about zero emission buses? Then our latest 2 articles on the subject should interest you. You can read them here and there.