With less than two weeks to go before the hydrogen-focused event, GL Events and France Hydrogène took stock of the novelties at Hyvolution 2024.
As an introduction of the press conference, Philippe Boucly, President of France Hydrogene, outlined the major advances in the industry in 2023. “I take issue with those saying that nothing has happened” he said. He went on to list all the key advances, including the recognition at European level of nuclear power for low-carbon hydrogen. *IPCEIs have played an important role in the launch of gigafactories, such as Symbio’s (SymphonHy in Lyon) and Forvia‘s (near Belfort).
The President of the association was reassuring, mentioning the deployment of stations (69, including the one at Porte de Saint-Cloud in Paris, which is the largest in Europe with a production of 1 tonne per day, and 127 short-term station projects). He also mentioned buses (nearly 60 to date, with a fleet that has doubled) and refuse collection vehicles (RCVs), which are expanding.
No more opposition between batteries and fuel cells
He was joined by the co-president of France Hydrogene, Valérie Bouillon-Delporte. They both discussed the revision of the French hydrogen strategy, of which the consultation ends tomorrow. They mentioned pyrolysis and natural hydrogen, as well as electrolysis. Imports were also discussed. As for Valérie Bouillon-Delporte, she drew attention to storage (because hydrogen is an energy carrier) and to the European AFIR directive, pointing out that France is in line with the minimum, with 68 hydrogen stations planned. She also emphasised that the French government would no longer pit batteries and fuel cells against each other when it came to electrifying transport. Each technology having their unique relevant use. Mrs Bouillon-Delporte was also pleased to see the government’s support for exports.
Pierre Buchou, Hyvolution events manager, then went on to talk about the activities organised by the events. There will be 135 workshops, over 200 speakers and 3 forum areas. “It’s an exceptionally rich programme,” he said. “The conferences will focus on deployment”, in line with the wishes of France Hydrogene. It should be noted that this is the 7th edition of this pioneering show. Launched in 2016, the number of exhibitors keeps rising every year (+40% between 2023 and 2024).
*IPCEI: Important Project of Common European Interest
Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King