Porsche addresses e-fuels at the IAA Mobility in Munich

Porsche IAA Mobility Munich

At the IAA Mobility in Munich, Porsche, the Volkswagen Group’s sports car brand, is presenting its project in Chile to produce synthetic fuels (e-fuels).

The Volkswagen Group’s stand at the IAA Mobility is all about electric mobility. In fact, the only Porsche on display is the MissionX, an electric hypercar.

However, visitors with a little curiosity can see a model at the side of the stand. This is an animation showing what Porsche is doing in terms of CO2 capture with HIF Global. The project involves mixing hydrogen (obtained by electrolysis, using electricity generated by wind turbines) with carbon dioxide. The result is e-fuel. Porsche wants to use this carbon-neutral fuel in competition, but also in sports cars. And it is not the only player to choose this path. Ferrari shares the German brand’s conviction, as do Toyota, BMW, Renault and Stellantis.

The European Union has agreed to include e-fuels after 2035, provided that it can be proven that these fuels are viable and that they represent an alternative to batteries and hydrogen.

Do you want to learn more about Porsche and the IAA Mobility in Munich? Then our latest 2 articles on these subjects should interest you. You can read an article about Porsche and e-fuels here and our latest about the IAA Mobility in Munich there

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Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King 

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Logan King

After an unusual career (3 years in the French army followed by a 3-year degree in Applied Foreign Languages), it was my passion for environmental issues that finally caught up with me and led me to join Seiya Consulting and H2 Today in June 2022. First as an end-of-study internship, then as Marketing & Communication Manager and translator at Hydrogen Today.

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