The French government underpines diversification in hydrogen
As part of France 2030, the call for projects “Diversification of subcontractors in the automotive sector” helps subcontractors in the automotive sector to prepare for the end of the combustion engine and to invest in electrification. Hydrogen is one of the solutions.
During the inauguration by Stellantis of its electric engines factory in Trémery, near Metz, Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, took the opportunity to announce the winners of the 2nd round of this call for projects. 35 new projects have been selected. In total, this call for projects adds up 81 winners, representing more than 307 million euros of industrial investments (about $331 million), supported for nearly 75 million euros by the government (around $81 million).
French government explores hydrogen mobility but not only
While 46% of the investments are related to diversifications within the automotive sector to respond to evolution in mobility, subcontractors are also exploring other markets such as medical, for example. The fact is that hydrogen is represented in several projects, whether it be filters (as for the company Maire in Oyonnax in the Ain department), or industrial equipment to produce parts for hydrogen vehicles (as for the SME Scoder in Pirey in the Doubs department).
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpe is the most represented region with 29 projects supported (for 27% of the financial aid) thanks to its large network of SMEs mostly located in the Arve Valley, followed by the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region with 14 projects (and 16% of the financial aid), and then the Hauts-de-France region with 9 projects (and about 15% of the aid).
The potential turnover generated by all the diversification projects is estimated at nearly 1 billion euros (about $1.08 billion), contributing to maintain around 16,500 jobs and create nearly 1,500 new jobs. For the French government, this demonstrates that subcontractors have become aware of which diversification strategies to adopt so as to meet the challenges of the energy and ecological transition of the automotive sector. Given the success of this call for projects, a new scheme will be launched in the coming weeks.
Do you want to learn more about the strategy of the French government regarding hydrogen? Then our latest 2 articles on the subject should interest you. You can read them here and there.
Article written by Laurent Meillaud and translated by Logan King