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Feasibility studies launched for the HY-FEN project

Feasibility studies launched for the HY-FEN project GRTgaz launches feasibility studies for the HY-FEN project. The aim of this future transmission infrastructure is to link several industrial consumption basins and…

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BarMar and H2MED: Partners making progress on both sides of the cross-border hydrogen pipeline

BarMar and H2MED: Partners making progress on both sides of the cross-border hydrogen pipeline Enagás, GRTgaz and Teréga, in cooperation with OGE, have signed an agreement on the BarMar project…

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HY4Link: a project to transport hydrogen between France, Germany and the Benelux countries

HY4Link: a project to transport hydrogen between France, Germany and the Benelux countries Creos Luxembourg, Fluxys hydrogen in Belgium and GRTgaz in France have announced the release of a hydrogen…

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Tunisia to join the list of countries exporting hydrogen to Europe?

Tunisia to join the list of countries exporting hydrogen to Europe? TE H2, a joint venture between the TotalEnergies and Eren groups, and the Austrian electricity company Verbund announced on…

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The German coalition agrees on a hydrogen transport plan with a due date in 2037

Governing coalition in Germany agrees on hydrogen transport According to Reuters, the governing coalition in Germany agreed on Friday 5 April on a financing scheme for the country's future hydrogen…

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Hydrogen transport: engineering studies for the DHUNE project in Dunkirk have been launched

Launch of engineering studies for the DHUNE project in Dunkirk GRTGaz launched fundamental engineering studies in January. This is an essential step before launching the construction of the future hydrogen…

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Hydrogen Infrastructure Map: a real-time map of Europe’s pipelines

Hydrogen Infrastructure Map: a real-time map of Europe's pipelines At Go Hydrogen, the focus was on hydrogen transport infrastructure. And the event provided an opportunity to present an initiative aimed…

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H2MED: preliminary studies to begin for the BarMar section

H2MED: preliminary studies to begin for the BarMar section As part of H2med, the three partners* of the BarMar project have decided to entrust Wood with conducting the preliminary engineering…

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RHYn project: Franco-German consultation on hydrogen transport

RHYn project: Franco-German consultation on hydrogen transport Three gas operators are launching a consultation to assess the needs of French and German manufacturers for a hydrogen transport infrastructure. More than…

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Lacq’s business activity area will be using hydrogen and synthetic molecules 

On the occasion of the Hyvolution exhibition, Elyse Energy and Teréga solutions have announced they are signing a partnership to promote the development of low-carbon hydrogen and synthetic fuels in…

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Occitania region claims access to the hydrogen pipeline

In a joint open letter, 25 parliamentarians from the Occitania region called out to President Macron. They are concerned about the gas pipeline project between Barcelona and Marseille and suggest…

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