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Air Liquide Partners with TotalEnergies on Large-Scale Electrolysers in the Netherlands

Air Liquide Partners with TotalEnergies on Large-Scale Electrolysers in the Netherlands Air Liquide has announced two large-scale electrolyser projects to produce renewable, low-carbon hydrogen in Europe, representing a total investment…

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Enagás and Gasunie signed an agreement for hydrogen and ammonia transport

Enagás and Gasunie signed an agreement for hydrogen and ammonia transport While France remains at a standstill due to a strained political context, a Spain-Netherlands axis is taking shape in…

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A hydrogen-powered car from the Netherlands takes part in Formula Student France near Lyon

A hydrogen-powered car from the Netherlands takes part in Formula Student France near Lyon The first Formula Student event in zero-carbon mode is taking place today (August 30th), on the Transpolis* site.…

Continue ReadingA hydrogen-powered car from the Netherlands takes part in Formula Student France near Lyon

IPCEI Hy2Move: Europe approves €1.4 billion in aid from 7 countries

IPCEI Hy2Move: Europe approves €1.4 billion in aid from 7 countries The European Commission has approved, under EU state aid rules, Hy2Move, a fourth Important Project of Common European Interest…

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GOLIAT: an Airbus-led project to test liquid hydrogen refuelling at three airports

GOLIAT: an Airbus-led project to test liquid hydrogen refuelling at three airports The project, supported by academic partners, airport operators and leading companies in the hydrogen industry, has been launched…

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Aerodelft: a small liquid hydrogen aircraft by Delft University

Aerodelft: a small liquid hydrogen aircraft by Delft University As part of Go Hydrogen in Antwerp, of which Hydrogen Today is a partner, students are presenting their Aerodelft project. It is…

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Read more about the article TotalEnergies celebrates over 20 years of experience in hydrogen stations
Ein Mann hält am Mittwoch (18.04.2012) den Zapfhahn einer Wasserstoff-Tanksäule an ein Auto auf einer Tankstelle in Berlin. Erstmals in Deutschland kann man mit gespeichertem Windstrom Auto fahren. Der französische Mineralölkonzern Total verkauft von heute an in Berlin Wasserstoff, den die brandenburgische Firma Enertrag mittels Windenergie erzeugt hat. Foto: Hannibal dpa/lbn +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

TotalEnergies celebrates over 20 years of experience in hydrogen stations

TotalEnergies: over 20 years of experience in Hydrogen stations Since 2002, the oil company has been involved in hydrogen. The company wanted to share its experience through an infographic on…

Continue ReadingTotalEnergies celebrates over 20 years of experience in hydrogen stations