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Natran (formerly GRTgaz) Reinforces the Role of Transport Infrastructure

Natran (formerly GRTgaz) Reinforces the Role of Transport Infrastructure Gas operator Natran highlights the importance of France as a key transit country. The country’s transport infrastructure is increasingly receiving renewable…

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Bosch and Johnson Matthey partner on fuel cell technology

Bosch and Johnson Matthey partner on fuel cell technology Bosch and Johnson Matthey have signed an agreement in Stuttgart to develop and produce catalyst-coated membranes (CCMs) for their fuel cell.…

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Europe invests €422 million in alternative fuel infrastructure, including hydrogen

Europe invests €422 million in alternative fuel infrastructure, including hydrogen As part of the AFIF* call for projects, the European Commission has selected 39 initiatives aimed at expanding alternative fuel…

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SoutH2 Corridor: Agreement Signed at Ministerial Level in Rome

SoutH2 Corridor: Agreement Signed at Ministerial Level in Rome A high-level meeting was held in Rome between Algeria, Tunisia, Italy, Germany, and Austria at the invitation of the Italian authorities.…

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Read more about the article Daimler Hydrogen-Powered Truck Boosted in Germany by IPCEI Hy2Tech
Sicher, schnell und einfach: Daimler Truck und Linde setzen neuen Standard für Flüssigwasserstoff-Betankung Safe, Fast and Simple: Daimler Truck and Linde Set New Standard for Liquid Hydrogen Refueling Technology

Daimler Hydrogen-Powered Truck Boosted in Germany by IPCEI Hy2Tech

Daimler Hydrogen-Powered Truck Boosted in Germany by IPCEI Hy2Tech The German manufacturer has been given the green light by the state of Baden-Württemberg to deploy 100 hydrogen-powered trucks, aimed at…

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Read more about the article Lhyfe to supply green hydrogen to stations of the H2 Mobility Deutschland network
H2 Mobility Joint Venture makes filling-up with hydrogen possible Germany-wide in future

Lhyfe to supply green hydrogen to stations of the H2 Mobility Deutschland network

Lhyfe to supply green hydrogen to stations of the H2 Mobility Deutschland network The French producer Lhyfe has signed a 5-year contract with the German stations operator: H2 Mobility Deutschland.…

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Evia Energy and Cranfield Aerospace Partner to Develop Hydrogen Infrastructure at Airports

Evia Energy and Cranfield Aerospace Partner to Develop Hydrogen Infrastructure at Airports The agreement provides for the development of infrastructure to accommodate both future electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft, anticipating the…

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Germany invests 4.6 billion euros in hydrogen as part of an IPCEI

Germany invests 4.6 billion euros in hydrogen as part of an IPCEI This is the German component of the Hy2Infra IPCEI we already talked about. It covers a total of 23…

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Read more about the article cellcentric launches fuel cell pilot production
cellcentric starts pilot production of fuel cell systems cellcentric startet Pilotfertigung von Brennstoffzellensystemen

cellcentric launches fuel cell pilot production

cellcentric launches fuel cell pilot production Aiming for mass production by the end of the decade, cellcentric inaugurated pilot production of fuel cell systems at its Esslingen-Pliensauvorstadt site in Germany…

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HY4Link: a project to transport hydrogen between France, Germany and the Benelux countries

HY4Link: a project to transport hydrogen between France, Germany and the Benelux countries Creos Luxembourg, Fluxys hydrogen in Belgium and GRTgaz in France have announced the release of a hydrogen…

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Read more about the article Daimler Truck and Kawasaki Heavy Industries to collaborate on liquid hydrogen
Yoshinori Kanehana, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Kawasaki Heavy Industries, und Martin Daum, Vorstandsvorsitzender und CEO von Daimler Truck, unterzeichnen die gemeinsame Absichtserklärung auf der Jahrestagung des Hydrogen Councils in Berlin im Beisein von Stefan Wenzel, Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär beim Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz und Maroš Šefčovič, EU-Kommissions Executive Vice President, sowie Kazuchika Iwata, japanischer Staatsminister für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie und Hidenao Yanagi, dem Außerordentlichen und bevollmächtigten Botschafter von Japan in Deutschland. // Yoshinori Kanehana, Chairman of the Board of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management and CEO of Daimler Truck, sign the MoU during the Hydrogen Council annual meeting in Berlin (Germany) in the presence of the German Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Stefan Wenzel, European Commission Executive Vice President Maroš Šefčovič, Kazuchika Iwata, Japanese State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and Hidenao Yanagi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Germany.

Daimler Truck and Kawasaki Heavy Industries to collaborate on liquid hydrogen

Daimler Truck and Kawasaki Heavy Industries to collaborate on liquid hydrogen The two parties have signed an MoU to study the implementation and optimisation of liquid hydrogen supply. An essential…

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IPCEI Hy2Move: Europe approves €1.4 billion in aid from 7 countries

IPCEI Hy2Move: Europe approves €1.4 billion in aid from 7 countries The European Commission has approved, under EU state aid rules, Hy2Move, a fourth Important Project of Common European Interest…

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GOLIAT: an Airbus-led project to test liquid hydrogen refuelling at three airports

GOLIAT: an Airbus-led project to test liquid hydrogen refuelling at three airports The project, supported by academic partners, airport operators and leading companies in the hydrogen industry, has been launched…

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France at Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe in Hanover

France at Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe at the Hannover Messe This is one of the major events in the industry in Europe. Over 300 exhibitors from 25 countries have…

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The German coalition agrees on a hydrogen transport plan with a due date in 2037

Governing coalition in Germany agrees on hydrogen transport According to Reuters, the governing coalition in Germany agreed on Friday 5 April on a financing scheme for the country's future hydrogen…

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FrHyGe: An industrial-scale underground hydrogen storage project led by Storengy

FrHyGe : An underground hydrogen storage project led by Storengy Supported and subsidised by the European Union via the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, the FrHyGe project brings together 17 partners and…

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A hydrogen-powered motorbike is on the drawing board in Europe

A hydrogen-powered motorbike is on the drawing board in Europe A German-Czech consortium of manufacturers and research bodies is developing a hydrogen motorbike with a fuel cell. The project is…

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Read more about the article TotalEnergies celebrates over 20 years of experience in hydrogen stations
Ein Mann hält am Mittwoch (18.04.2012) den Zapfhahn einer Wasserstoff-Tanksäule an ein Auto auf einer Tankstelle in Berlin. Erstmals in Deutschland kann man mit gespeichertem Windstrom Auto fahren. Der französische Mineralölkonzern Total verkauft von heute an in Berlin Wasserstoff, den die brandenburgische Firma Enertrag mittels Windenergie erzeugt hat. Foto: Hannibal dpa/lbn +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

TotalEnergies celebrates over 20 years of experience in hydrogen stations

TotalEnergies: over 20 years of experience in Hydrogen stations Since 2002, the oil company has been involved in hydrogen. The company wanted to share its experience through an infographic on…

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sLH2: Daimler Truck and Linde establish a new ISO standard for liquid hydrogen refuelling

After several years of development, Daimler Truck and Linde Engineering are aiming to make sLH2 an ISO standard for refuelling hydrogen-powered trucks. In comparison with gaseous hydrogen, subcooled liquid hydrogen…

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H2MED: preliminary studies to begin for the BarMar section

H2MED: preliminary studies to begin for the BarMar section As part of H2med, the three partners* of the BarMar project have decided to entrust Wood with conducting the preliminary engineering…

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Airbus steps forward on hydrogen aircraft

Airbus steps forward on hydrogen aircraft While the aerospace pioneer prepares to open a new ZEROe center in Germany specialised in composites for future liquid-hydrogen tanks, technical officer at Airbus…

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Read more about the article WaVe project: first test for the hydrogen-powered Mercedes Unimog
Der WaVe Unimog Prototyp im Testeinsatz auf einem stillgelegten Autobahnabschnitt Unimog WaVe prototype in test operation at decommissioned section of motorway

WaVe project: first test for the hydrogen-powered Mercedes Unimog

WaVe project: first test for the hydrogen-powered Mercedes Unimog Presented at a show in Germany last spring, a Mercedes Unimog implement carrier equipped with a hydrogen combustion engine carried out…

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Read more about the article Amazon and Ineos among the first to test Daimler’s hydrogen-powered truck

Amazon and Ineos among the first to test Daimler’s hydrogen-powered truck

Daimler Truck is organising the first customer trial fleet of its GenH2 hydrogen fuel cell truck. Five units will be deployed in companies and will cover long-distance routes in Germany.…

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Siemens and Air Liquide launch their gigawatt electrolyser factory

Siemens and Air Liquide launch their gigawatt electrolyser factory As we mentioned earlier, the new gigawatt electrolyser factory of Siemens Energy and Air Liquide was officially inaugurated today, November 8,…

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Air Liquide will set up Europe’s largest electrolyser in Germany

Air Liquide is to install Europe's largest electrolyser on one of the sites of chemicals giant OQ Chemicals, right in the heart of the Ruhr, the industrial area in western…

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RHYn project: Franco-German consultation on hydrogen transport

RHYn project: Franco-German consultation on hydrogen transport Three gas operators are launching a consultation to assess the needs of French and German manufacturers for a hydrogen transport infrastructure. More than…

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Read more about the article Ligier’s JS2 R H2 makes waves in Germany
Shooting of the Ligier JS2 RH2 on the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours, on June 15, 2023 in Magny-Cours, France - Photo Julien Delfosse / DPPI

Ligier’s JS2 R H2 makes waves in Germany

Ligier Automotive took part in an event organised by Bosch Engineering on the fringes of the IAA Mobility in Munich last week. It was an opportunity to put the JS2…

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Germany had the highest increase of hydrogen refuelling stations worldwide in 2017

Germany had the highest increase of hydrogen refuelling stations worldwide in 2017 At the end of 2017, there were 56 hydrogen refuelling stations in Germany, of which 45 are publicly…

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A lightweight plastic tank available for hydrogen storage showcased during Frankfurt motor show

A lightweight plastic tank available for hydrogen storage showcased during Frankfurt motor show Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, has introduced a material solution…

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Bus operators launch Fuel Cell Bus procurement in Germany and South Tyrol 

Bus operators launch Fuel Cell Bus procurement in Germany and South Tyrol  A new joint procurement activity has just been launched in Germany thanks to FCH JU funded project JIVE. Wuppertal based WSW mobil GmbH has tendered the…

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